Spreading the charms of Japan to the world from Fukui




One and Only Sake for Your Special Someone



It was about this time last year when participants of “Arigato Project 2015” planted rice.

On June 5th, 2016, they finally received the completed sake

which was made from the rice they planted.


Throughout the year, the participants experienced planting and harvesting the rice and understanding in more detail the quality of sake. They also participated in a firefly festival. They learned not only about Japanese sake, but the value of connection with others

and the charms of Japan and Fukui.


In 2015, at the end of "Arigato no Sake (Adoso) project",

a ceremony was conducted to pay tribute to the participants' of this event.



After complimentary speeches, the bottles of "Arigato no Sake (Adoso)"

were handed to the entire group of participants'.


Authorized dealers of Kokuryu, "Yushino Kai" handed the awards of merit

and the bottles of sake to each participants.

The participants, Kokuryu staff, the members' of "Yushino Kai" and the farmers

took one year to make the sake.

The taste of the sake is sharp with a strong body that leaves

a rather fruity and light aftertaste.


The sake is not only appreciated for its taste but also to the many participants'

of this project that assisted in its creation. The hardship endured throughout

the project is reminder of how special this sake is.


According to one of the staff for the project,

the taste and texture of sake, changes slightly every year.

This year, "Arigato no Sake (Adoso)” is slightly more mild and fruity than previous ones.


Speaking with the participants I was reminded of the benefits of this project.

Not only can one experience the many charms of Fukui and sake,

but also the strength of relationship and bonds between people.


I asked the participants' who they were going to give the sake to.

Out of the twelve participants', ten had chosen to give their bottle of sake to a family member.

Another participant intended to give her bottle of sake to her preofessor.

The thirteenth participant had decided to give it to his wife.


I am sure all the recipients' of the sake will be grateful and appreciative of these gifts.



