Spreading the charms of Japan to the world from Fukui




Good crop of home-grown strawberries


Life in Fukui

For some reason, there was a good crop of my home-grown strawberries this year
so I made strawberry jam for the first time in a long time.
I spread on toast and eat as yogurt or pancake topping.
It’s very good.


[Basic recipe]
Strawberries   1kg
Sugar       500g
Juice of a lemon
*Although it’s all right to cut the amount of sugar, then it cannot be preserved
for a long time.


Simmer all the ingredients for 30 minutes while skimming scum.
It’s not easy watching the pan for 30 minutes, so I make it while preparing dinner.
Boil airtight containers and dry, when the jam cools, bottle up and keep it in the fridge. (H.S)


Local line schedule, Kadohara station in Fukui, near Mt.Arashima



Kadohara station
Kadohara station

On the other Thursday, I took a short ride of Etsumi-hokusen, a local train between Fukui and Ono, from Kadohara to Shimo-Yuino to go back to the place I parked my car, after hiking in Mt.Arashima.

Because there is one of entrances of Mt.Arashima 1,523m (4,997ft) near here, many hikers use this station to approach that mountain.

It is not so high but being an isolated peek with outstanding view, and because a famous writer Kyuya Fukada chose it as one of "One Hundred Mountains in Japan" back in the 1960s, the mountain is very popular among the hikers ever in Japan.


Kadohara station and a train
Kadohara station operates without a conductor


Schedule of Kadohara station

There are few trains on the schedule here as you see above, and it's not so convenient for us especially on weekdays. However, I saw quite a number of people in the mountain, who came from Hokkaido, Tokyo and the other places far away. That's "One Hundred Mountains in Japan".


A Japanese film “Teiichi : Battle of Supreme High” 



I have heard that it was really entertaining, so I went to see the theater to see the film.
It was true to its reputation and I enjoyed it very much.


The actors are not only good-looking but also their performances are amazing.
And I think that especially Teiichi is Masaki Suda’s most successful character.


As for Masaki Suda, he played a role of a modest and serious son in a TV drama four years ago, so I cannot believe that he became like this currently.


Kotaro Yoshida as Teiichi’s father, whose voice carries well as if he acts on a stage and
the parent and child’s funny dialogue scene clarified my mind. The Japanese drum performance scene was remarkable and the “Mayim Mayim incident” was amusing.
It was a film that it didn’t give me room to take messages from the lines and as if it appealed like “Just enjoy the film and not give commentary” from the screen.


When I was watching the scene of election for president of student council, I dreamed and wondered if Japanese Prime Minister would be like Dan Otaka, who was an unusually smart, good-looking and honest man.


The director is Akira Nagai, 47 years old, who created commerials for canned coffee and nutritional energy bar. This film is his third feature film directed by him.
His previous one is “If Cats Disappeard from the World” I would like to watch this one too.


Masaki Suda is good at acting like this (From their official Twitter)


Special screening which is allowed to let your voice out, clapping and penlights.


One of the special screenings at TOHO Cinemas Roppongi Hills on May 17th.
(From Cinema Today)

The scenery from Fukui Prefectural Hospital


Life in Fukui

It is the best to live without sickness and/or injuries but sometimes we get sick or injured and must visit and/or stay at the hospital.

Fukui Prefectural Hospital which everyone in Fukui knows is in the center of Fukui City and it is twelve-storied building. Above the 6th floor, there are patient rooms and patients can see the beautiful views of Fukui City from their rooms. It is breathtaking, especially at night so I’m sure it helps the patients and their family and friends can feel a little better as well.


Fukui Prefectural Hospital was opened in April of 1950. There used to be 9 clinical departments and now there are 28 clinical departments.


April, 1950

Fukui Prefectural Hospital was opened

Internal medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Dermatology and Urology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Ophthalmology (eye clinic), Radiology Department, Otorhinolaryngology (ORL), Dentistry


April, 2017

Intergrated Medicine, Gastroenterology, Pneumology, Cardiology, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Hematology and Oncology, Neurology, Women’s Clinic, Pediatrics, Surgery and Cancer Center, Cardiovascular Surgery, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Dermatology, Urology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Anesthesiology, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Dental Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dept. of Pathology, Rehabilitation, Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine.
Source: Official Website of Fukui Prefectural Hospital


When I stayed at Fukui Prefectural Hospital, they had the nurse call bell ringing non-stop all day long. Although they were so busy, doctors, nurses, cleaners and other staff were kind, caring and nice. I was well taken care of from the first day till the day I was released from the hospital.


A friend of mine from Australia said that Fukui Prefectural Hospital is almost like a descent hotel or even better because of those great staff, facilities and great views from the windows.


At the rehabilitation, they had many patients coming in nonstop. There were several times that one physical therapist had to take 2 or more patients at once. It was amazing for me to see all of the physical therapists were taking care of us calmly with smile which cheered me up so much.


Website for Fukui Prefectural Hospital


