Spreading the charms of Japan to the world from Fukui




Open cafe at home


Life in Fukui

During Golden Week holiday that I was avoiding going outdoors, I was busy cleaning up the house. Speaking of the Golden Week, there had been a general mood that everybody should go somewhere. I have always liked to stay at home, so I spent time this Golden Week at home proudly, without feeling guilty.


One day, I made pancakes and had a tea break in the yard. Looking at roses that began to bloom, azaleas and other flowers that I don’t know their names, I feel very peaceful. My yard cafe is not bad at all.


In Fukui, perhaps due to rainy and snowy long winters, cafes with a terrace are not commonly seen. However, as an operation style of cafes after COVID-19, putting ventilation first, they may increase in Fukui as well. Then, the cafes are going to need shade to keep summer sun out or a folding screen door. So, I hope that subsidies are given for the equipment from the Japanese government or local governments. (H.S)


Local specialties of Okinawa



I was planning to go to Okinawa in April but I canceled due to coronavirus. I never thought that the day people cannot travel freely would come. Until now, I went to where I wanted to go and had a good time for granted. I was shocked to know that it was incredible happiness.


That said, there is no use feeling down. So I ordered local specialties of Okinawa online so that at least I could feel of being in Okinawa at home. And I received them the other day.



*The items that I bought. (These are ones that I always buy in Okinawa)
Rum “Cor Cor” from Minami-Daito Island
Peanut tofu
Pickled Okinawan shallots
Ishigaki beef miso paste
Instant Okinawan pot noodles
Potato snack of island hot pepper
Banana cake from Miyako Island
Cough drops of shikwasa (Okinawan citrus)
Okinawan deep-fried sweet
Salted rice crackers
Face packs of hibiscus and shikwasa


I bought them through Washita Shop Online (Okinawa Prefecture Products Public Corporation). Washita means 'we' in Okinawan language. In casual conversation, wattaa is sometimes used. (H.S)


Nirai Beach of Yomitan Village in the central of Okinawa’s main island. I took this photo when I visited there several years ago. Okinawan sea is amazing. I hope I will be able to go to Okinawa again as soon as possible.
