Spreading the charms of Japan to the world from Fukui



Cats in Fukui “Pet Door”



Lately, a long-awaited pet door was installed in my house.
Pet doors have a flap in the lower part, so pet dogs and cats can pass through freely.


There used be a sliding door that opened easily even by cats, and I had to shut the door
every time my cats opened it. Especially in winter, it bothered me that cold air entered
the room.


Then, I thought that at last both humans and cats would be able to live with no stress.
However, the door is a totally new stuff to my cats and they couldn’t pass through it immediately.


So I lured them by cat food, toys and silver vine’s powder on this side of the flap
so that they learn to pass through it. Then my female cat Miiko learned to be able to pass through after she tried a few times.


But my male cat Gil doesn’t try to do that. Although he wanted to eat the silver vine’s powder, he didn’t even touch the flap with his forepaw, and finally turned around dejectedly.


He is such a cat as to catch a swallow but cannot even pass through just a flap.
I was wondering how to deal with this, but only recently he learned it and he can
pass through it now.
At any rate, I think that the creator of pet door is great. (H.S)


Gil stands frozen in front of the pet door


Miiko can pass through the flap quickly


The whole door (There are various kinds of pet doors)