Spreading the charms of Japan to the world from Fukui



The girl in Bhutan Museum Fukui's poster visited Fukui!! -Farewell and Welcome party on January 27th, 2018-



On January 27th, 2018, farewell party for Ms. Sonam Wangmo and Ms. Chedon who had studied in Fukui University for about one year, and welcome party for Mr. Ugyen Dorji who started studying in Fukui University since October, 2017 and Ms. Sonam Choki who was invited to Fukui by Genji Nosaka, the former president of Bhutan Museum Fukui.



Ms. Sonam Choki

Ms. Sonam Choki who is the image girl of Bhutan Museum Fukui.



Mr. Ugyen Dorji is giving a speech

Mr. Ugyen Dorji talked how he wants be helpful as much as possible for Bhutan Museum Fukui during his stay.



Ms. Sonam Wangmo and Ms. Chedon

They will return to Bhutan soon.

Right: Ms. Chedon 

Left: Ms. Sonam Wangmo 

Ms. Chedon was saying that the sceneries of Fukui and Bhutan are smilar.

Ms. Sonam Wangmo likes the Japanese pancakes called "Okonomi-yaki".



enjoying a meeting in a friendly atmosphere
enjoying a meeting in a friendly atmosphere

We all enjoyed talking about Bhutan and Japan.



Ms. Sonam Wangmo is giving a speech

The Bhutanese people seemed quiet but they spoke confidently in front of everyone. They talked about how they were surprised that there is Bhutan Museum Fukui in Fukui. They all said that they were grateful to be in Fukui and they liked the scenery in Fukui which is like Bhutan’s and kindness that people have.


I started being interested in Bhutan more and more, so I hope to learn about the country and its culture.





Enjoy our previous blog!

A Girl from Bhutan -Miraculous Reunion-

The girl in the Bhutan Museum Fukui's poster visited Fukui!! -January 22nd, 2018-

The girl in Bhutan Museum Fukui's poster visited Fukui!! -Visiting NHK in Fukui on January 23rd, 2018-

The girl in Bhutan Museum Fukui’s poster visited Fukui! -Visiting Fukui TV on January 26th, 2018-


At Bhutan Museum Fukui, you can see many interesting things from Bhutan!

Official Website of Bhutan Museum Fukui