Spreading the charms of Japan to the world from Fukui



Hidden beauty spot in Kyoto “Konpukuji Temple”


Kyoto and Nara

A little bit to the north of Ginkakuji Temple, near Shisendo,
there is the small temple “Konpukuji”.
Long ago, Basho MATSUO visited the temple and discussed with the priest
about elegance and taste at a tea hut in its garden.
Time passed and Buson YOSA visited the temple but the tea hut had fallen into ruin.
However, the village people still called it “Basho hut”.
As Buson admired Basho, he rebuilt the tea hut and made some haikus at the temple.

“Basho hut” in the middle of the temple’s hill 


One more person that you should not forget is Takajo Murayama.
She is known as the heroine of the first one of NHK historical drama series.
She was a mistress of Naosuke Ii., the chief minister to the Tokugawa Shogunate.
She was put on public display alive beside the Sanjo riverside in Kyoto
for three days and three nights by the loyalists to the Emperor because she supported
Naosuke Ii who conducted Ansei no Taigoku [suppression of extremists by the Shogunate].
After all, her life was saved due to that she was a woman.
Afterwards, she became a Buddhist nun and passed away at the age of 67 at the temple.


Even if you don’t know history like this,
you can enjoy the tasteful tea hut and the beautiful garden especially in autumn.
Also, it is a world apart from crowded major sightseeing spots in Kyoto,
which you can spend a peaceful moment of quietness. (H.S)


The main hall of the temple from the garden using natural landscape.
It looks a nice rustic mountain temple which is off the beaten path.