Spreading the charms of Japan to the world from Fukui



Meaning of colors in Japan


Arts and crafts

There are two delighting and attractive paintings that have been catching my attention in our studio. 

I have always thought that those paintings are stylish and cool.  I have always enjoyed watching them.


Color has meanings.  The meaning of colors varies depending on cultures and circumstances. 

Today, I am going to introduce about the meaning of a few colors in Japan. 


When you use black and white, it shows that your intellectual thinking part of your brain is growing and or working.


White is the color of refreshing the mind and starting something over. 

When white catches your attention, it shows that you may be willing to feel refreshed and or start something over.


Black is the color of pressure and protection. 

When you want to be hidden from the world and you want to protect yourself,

you tend to use black.  

Black does not allow people to see one’s emotions.



The meaning of blue is soothing and controlling.

You tend to use blue when you want to relax or when you are relaxed already. 

It may also shows how you are trying not to use your energy forced out,  

and you are saving your energy. 

You maybe feeling down and or you are paying attention to yourself as well.  


I hope this blog can be helpful for you to understand more about yourself and or people around you including children. (Children cannot express their thoughts or needs as much as adults can, so letting them draw pictures help us to understand about them easier.)  


But there is one thing, please remember, these are based on statistics, so it may not be said about you, your friends and or family members. 

Every one has different personalities. 


Please enjoy colors!!