Spreading the charms of Japan to the world from Fukui




24 Hours Ice Shop in Fukui, Japan


Life in Fukui

Naver matome photographs of beautiful ice

Naver matome / photographs of beautiful ice (https://matome.naver.jp/odai/2134095238237307201)


It has been very hot recently in most of the places in Japan.

Eating snow cone and/or touching ice would be so nice in this kind of weather.

Looking at the ice shop, Sakura Kohri from outside and the back of a small truck is inside of the ice shop in Fukui

There are several ice shops in the downtown area of Fukui City. There is even a 24 hours open one as well. This is a self-serve ice shop. This is an ice shop which has no salesclerk.


block ice for 300 yen on a large refrigerator

As you walk in, you will see a sign which says that “block ice for 300 yen” on a large refrigerator. Since it’s large ice, so this type of ice can be used for making snow cones for business purpose.

3 kilogram of crushed ice for 300yen
6 kilogram of crushed ice for 500yen at the ice shop, Skura Kohri

They sell crushed ice as well. This can be used for drinks as well.

6 kilogram of Kuzu kohri for 150 yen at the ice shop, Sakura Kohri

To keep foods and/or drinks cold, “Kuzu Kohri” (Kuzu is waste and Kohri is ice in Japanese. Kuzu Kohri is the leftover ice which was made after cutting the ice for block ice and crushed ice.

1 kilogram of Mr. Crushed and Unique Ice at the ice shop, Sakura Kohri

The sign says “Mr. Crushed” and “Unique Ice!”. I wonder what they look like.

Screens for secury cameras at the ice shop, Sakura Kohri

And in the back of the ice shop, there is a screen for security cameras.

Sign for the fee at the ice shop, Sakura Kohri
Box for the fee at the ice shop, Sakura Kohri

To pay, put the money into an envelope with your name on it and put it into the box in the photograph above. This is amazing that the owner of this store must be confident that people pay.


I think this is the best spot for this kind of shop because it is in the middle of a downtown area and people need ice all the time.


This shop was introduced in a TV program in NHK (famous Japanese TV company)

NHK documentary, 72 hours “self-serve ice store in Summer of Fukui”. https://www.nhk.or.jp/docudocu/program/210/1199146/index.html
*Only available in Japanese




If you have a chance, how about stopping by the ice store “Sakura Kohri”?

"Sakura Kohri"

Shishido Building, 1-17-2 Junka,

Fukui-shi, Fukui-ken

Annual district sports festival ended successfully this year, too!


Life in Fukui

On the last Sunday of May, the annual sports festival was held in my district.
It seems that each district holds the sports festival from mid-May to early June.
I used to participate in the festival every year when my children were in elementary school.
This year, it’s our turn for the head of our district residents came up again so I had to go,
and it’s been ages since I last participated.


“The jobs of the head of district about the sports festival”
・Holding a meeting with group leaders of district and making a list of participants
・Shopping for sweets, snacks and drinks which I distribute to the participants
・If it’s rainy that day, call the group leaders to postpone
・Setting up and pull down a tent
・Asking to the participants to take the field for each sport
・Distributing sweets and snacks to the participants (put in plastic bags in advance)


Without a doubt, the number of children has been declining and it was full of parents and children before but there was enough space in the tent this year.
Of course, the parents also declined, so I had to ask to take the field in a row.
I felt sorry to ask that but young parents accepted willingly, so I was grateful for that.


At lunchtime, they eat delicious-looking boxed meals that mothers made with family. Looking such a never changing scene, I thought that such thing keeps children mentally stable and strengthen family ties and I felt warm. (H.S)


The day was pleasant fine weather which was perfect for a sport festival


Familiar “Centipede race” , the cheering became louder


The team once stops to keep pace. The finish line is right before your eyes!

Good crop of home-grown strawberries


Life in Fukui

For some reason, there was a good crop of my home-grown strawberries this year
so I made strawberry jam for the first time in a long time.
I spread on toast and eat as yogurt or pancake topping.
It’s very good.


[Basic recipe]
Strawberries   1kg
Sugar       500g
Juice of a lemon
*Although it’s all right to cut the amount of sugar, then it cannot be preserved
for a long time.


Simmer all the ingredients for 30 minutes while skimming scum.
It’s not easy watching the pan for 30 minutes, so I make it while preparing dinner.
Boil airtight containers and dry, when the jam cools, bottle up and keep it in the fridge. (H.S)


The scenery from Fukui Prefectural Hospital


Life in Fukui

It is the best to live without sickness and/or injuries but sometimes we get sick or injured and must visit and/or stay at the hospital.

Fukui Prefectural Hospital which everyone in Fukui knows is in the center of Fukui City and it is twelve-storied building. Above the 6th floor, there are patient rooms and patients can see the beautiful views of Fukui City from their rooms. It is breathtaking, especially at night so I’m sure it helps the patients and their family and friends can feel a little better as well.


Fukui Prefectural Hospital was opened in April of 1950. There used to be 9 clinical departments and now there are 28 clinical departments.


April, 1950

Fukui Prefectural Hospital was opened

Internal medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Dermatology and Urology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Ophthalmology (eye clinic), Radiology Department, Otorhinolaryngology (ORL), Dentistry


April, 2017

Intergrated Medicine, Gastroenterology, Pneumology, Cardiology, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Hematology and Oncology, Neurology, Women’s Clinic, Pediatrics, Surgery and Cancer Center, Cardiovascular Surgery, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Dermatology, Urology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Anesthesiology, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Dental Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dept. of Pathology, Rehabilitation, Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine.
Source: Official Website of Fukui Prefectural Hospital


When I stayed at Fukui Prefectural Hospital, they had the nurse call bell ringing non-stop all day long. Although they were so busy, doctors, nurses, cleaners and other staff were kind, caring and nice. I was well taken care of from the first day till the day I was released from the hospital.


A friend of mine from Australia said that Fukui Prefectural Hospital is almost like a descent hotel or even better because of those great staff, facilities and great views from the windows.


At the rehabilitation, they had many patients coming in nonstop. There were several times that one physical therapist had to take 2 or more patients at once. It was amazing for me to see all of the physical therapists were taking care of us calmly with smile which cheered me up so much.


Website for Fukui Prefectural Hospital



Multi-tenant buildings in the daytime


Life in Fukui

Although I can’t deny the facts that the multi-tenant buildings can spoil the sight, there are possibilities of fire and/or there might be some security problems, it is interesting for me to watch them. I would like to show you the photographs of the multi-tenant buildings which I took during the daytime in downtown in Fukui City.



Right outside of the old bar on the top floor, there is a side signboard of the building I sometimes go. I didn’t know that there are other interesting bars and restaurants in this building. A room, bar or restaurant for fortune telling is in the building which makes the building mysterious.


This building is very old but the small blackboards in front of the building show they are still in business.


These are not the multi-tenant buildings, they are just old buildings. Above the third floor, it seems no one is there but there are people on the first and second floor. I think I like the scenery that such old buildings like these have been active.

