“Winter restaurant for wild birds” at Fukui Nature Conservation Center
The "Winter restaurant for wild birds" is opened by Fukui Nature Conservation Center in Januray and Februray every year.
You can observe wild birds which gather the feeding site in front of you there.
I went to the winter restaurant at the end of February, when the aftereffects from the heavy snow this winter (2018) were recovering.
Although the staff said that fewer wild birds coming because the weather was getting better, I was able to see 10 kinds of wild birds which I usually cannot
see. Normally the winter restaurant closes as of the end of February, but this year, it opens until the end of March due to much snow.
Child bird of varied tit (probably)
Japanese tit
Pygmy woodpecker(right), the left is a varied tit
Nuthatch which I was able to see for a moment
The prefectural bird of Fukui, thrush
Turtle dove
Small-sized woodpecker, pygmy woodpecker
Medium-sized woodpecker, great spotted woodpecker